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  • #6190

    What do I win? 😛

    Why, a night with Barbie, of course! 😉


    Alright… maybe we can get this to 100 but I doubt it!

    Maybe if we all think real hard we can stop the rain. Everybody: no rain! no rain! no rain! I, er, mean, 100! 100! 100!

    – Just checked: next post hits the magic number. Then we can all take a deep breath and start over for next week.


    Hey, if we keep this going for just a little bit, we’ll hit triple digits – I think this post makes 93. Seven more. Keep hope alive, people!


    CaptainJim – that is priceless! Forget the contest: you’re this thread’s winner!


    Umm, if I could insert something pithy there, I wouldn’t need the Barbie doll… 😉


    That’s a demon owl landing between a Barbie’s outstretched and waiting thighs……

    Oddly enough, that’s the title.


    So we’ve gone from Barbies to demons to orgies to fiery infernos to disco. And it makes total sense.

    On another note, I kinda like discussing these themes prior to their week…

    It’s the most fun I’ve had concerning farktography in a very long time. 🙂

    Ditto. Ditto. And ditto.

    I got so wound up last night with this (and a certain disco soundtrack in my head), that I put this together at five in the morning:


    So, in sum…

    187 Barbies: burn, baby, burn
    Trapped behind the space heater,
    They consume a universe of inhabition
    Raising hell like Geiger and Butt Pirate Ken
    Helpless before the lesbian spider demon orgy,
    Helmut Newton can only shrug his shoulders and sigh:
    Ain’t that farktography…


    There is no Dana. Only Zool!

    What a lovely singing voice you must have.

    But Hellraiser also works. As would a lesbian spider demon orgy.

    That said, I think we all need to step back and pat ourselves on the collective back for one of the most versatile threads the forum has ever seen.


    oh, would that geiger was a photographer…


    Just wait till you see my Helmut Newton Barbies.

    *whew* – thought you were going to be going for maplethorpe there for a minute…


    Man oh man that’s just awesome. And that was well before I noticed the goings on in the background. Maybe it’s time to reincorporate as BarbieMofo…


    You all realize, of course, that logomancer’s abstracts amount to digital rorschach ink blot tests? I myself saw a face, a tree, or a chalice, but not a phallus or taint like the rest of you sick bastards.

    hee hee. of course i meant no offense logomancer

    No offense taken in the least. The whole rorschach aspect is what I love best. For my part, I see a rascal king sitting atop his throne ready to take a rip off the bong placed squarely before him on a small table. But, hey, that’s me – or maybe where this image came from… 😉


    And now for the other side of my work:

    That looks like an alien with a big peener and shaved pubes. I like it

    I was going to say taint but let’s go with your answer 😛

    Dammit. I knew I shouldn’t have bet ya, Cap’n. I should’ve learned my lesson after the White Sox fiasco. But, no, I thought to myself – this time is different. This time, I’ve got him. There’s just no way, I figured, as I laid my money down. There’s just no way he can get Veruca to type “taint.”

    Live and learn, I guess. I’ll have the Western Union there in the morning. Nice job.


    Wow, logomancer, that’s trippy!

    That side of my brain lives over at http://www.flickr.com/photos/undergroundbastard/sets/72157594207385789/

    And a belated congrats on that picture as well. I bet you can’t wait to whip it out for her first prom date. 😉

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