03-03-10 – Something’s Mising

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    As for mine, I’m saddened that no matter HOW MANY TIMES and HOW MANY WAYS I took my picture, I could NOT get a super-clear shot!! Must be something about my screen vs. my camera.

    It’s a problem with taking pix of computer screens. This is a picture that I snapped (had to snap fast, due to the subject) on my computer screen… I didn’t spend all the time you did, but I think it illustrates the same kind of issues you had.


    It’s a problem with taking pix of computer screens. This is a picture that I snapped (had to snap fast, due to the subject) on my computer screen… I didn’t spend all the time you did, but I think it illustrates the same kind of issues you had.

    I guess. That’s why I uploaded the html page…so a clear shot could be had. Granted, I didn’t bother with the ‘Fark’ mentions that wouldn’t appear in the screen shot. But I think the point is made. I’m surprised I didn’t see a half dozen of these in the first 50 posts…once I thought of it, I thought everyone would eventually (and maybe some will.)

    Integrity kept me from posting a screen shot. Damned integrity!!


    Integrity kept me from posting a screen shot. Damned integrity!!

    And we thank you for that! I’m glad integrity keeps our happy little bunch honest 🙂


    And we thank you for that! I’m glad integrity keeps our happy little bunch honest 🙂

    It seemed the right thing to do.

    Did the lightbulb come that way, or was it simply burnt out so completely that it looked as if it did?


    Just totally, utterly, and completely burned out. There are pieces of the filament embedded in the glass from when it went. You can see one in the top center part of the frame. Not sure I’ve ever seen that happen.

    Also, just to be sure, Zero Exponent: That blank picture is actually a picture you took with a camera, right? 😉


    Zero Exponent

    Thanks! Now you know why I was nervous about someone having the same idea as me. The “screenshot” needed a little more exposure and also white balancing. I had to take a couple shots because you can get horizontal “noise” if you’re not shooting at 30 fps or higher (applies to CRT screens, not sure about LCD and plasma) because the monitor draws a new picture 30 times per second.

    I tried close/far, short/long exp., high/low f-stop, bracketing each and every combo therein. It’s why I included the html page link. Nothing improved under any circumstances. But…I’m at least happy that I haven’t seen any other of the same theme. Your’s is the closest thus far.

    But I’m happy that I haven’t seen a dozen others like what I did. And surprised at same. Yours is the closest, thus far.


    Elsinore not sure if serious … how else could you post an image?


    Screen cap or just color block graphic.


    OK I see – or rather I don’t because I have no idea how to do those things. It’s a scannner image of a piece of printer paper, cropped to 433X433 in homage to John Zorn.


    Ahh see, I wouldn’t consider that a photograph since it’s a scan of a piece of paper. If you took a camera and shot the paper or a blank wall, that would count, though.


    OK, I will abide by your decision, of course – I was going for a cheap laugh, after all – but in my defence a scanner is just a bulky digital camera, no?


    Hmmm in my mind, I think of it like a copier, which, while technically captures an image, it still seems “different.” You aren’t really “composing” a shot with a scanner or copier. But you have a technical point. Let’s open it up to others to weigh in on? Anyone else see an argument for or against scans?


    (also, if others think a scan should be disallowed, I would suggest taking a picture of a blank wall so you can use that instead–the idea was good, especially your crop dimensions, and I’d hate for you not to be able to use it, even if I don’t think the original method falls under the rules).


    a scanner is different in that it doesn’t use an aperture and lens to take a still image, it uses a moving lens to create an image of an object.


    What a scanner pic of a Zero Exponent may look like:

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