06-04-08 – Trees

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  • #16377

    boy I went back aways for this one!

    Yeah, me too. The Arizona picture I submitted is one of the very first pictures I took with the mindset “How can I make this look nice?” instead of “shooting from the hip”


    oops! sorry about the titles!


    I HATE this theme! 😆 I got nuthin’, but I’ll keep tryin’.

    Don’t sell yourself short, wrayvynn, I always enjoy your photos.


    I definitely would like to see this theme again. It’s like a free ticket to goodness.

    /please hopperize (extended version)


    I’m bummed .I burned a bunch of pictures of the redwood forest around here to a cd and can’t find it.I have a few nice pictures of trees any way.I really hate moving.I always lose stuff and now its way to late to go get redwood pics oh well.


    I seem to have unclicked voting on my third picture. Would you mind fixing that please.


    Took me forever to decide between 6 or so pictures, still not happy with what I posted…I’m not worthy, you guys rawk.


    I seem to have unclicked voting on my third picture. Would you mind fixing that please.

    Yep, got it


    Took me forever to decide between 6 or so pictures, still not happy with what I posted…I’m not worthy, you guys rawk.

    the woodpecker is awesome. 😀


    I seem to have unclicked voting on my third picture. Would you mind fixing that please.

    Yep, got it

    thank you very much.


    I know the tree images were supposed to speak for themselves, without a caption, but it’s quite hard to translate what these trees mean to people just by looking at them…Anyone care to share a story ?….Is this even legal while the event is still in progress ?…..Mine’s kinda’ interesting….I can wait.


    I know the tree images were supposed to speak for themselves, without a caption, but it’s quite hard to translate what these trees mean to people just by looking at them…Anyone care to share a story ?….Is this even legal while the event is still in progress ?…..Mine’s kinda’ interesting….I can wait.

    I put the description on the flickr pages that my images link to. And then it has the location and date as well.


    I know the tree images were supposed to speak for themselves, without a caption, but it’s quite hard to translate what these trees mean to people just by looking at them…Anyone care to share a story ?….Is this even legal while the event is still in progress ?…..Mine’s kinda’ interesting….I can wait.

    My two forest shots are two of the seldom-used trails here locally where I know that however many cruise ships are in town (five today, with more than 15,000 tourists in a city of 30,000 population), anyway, no matter how crowded it is, those are two spots I can go and probably not see any other people in a five or six hour walk.

    The third was just a cool macro shot with cross-processing that I happen to like a lot.


    Took me forever to decide between 6 or so pictures, still not happy with what I posted…I’m not worthy, you guys rawk.

    the woodpecker is awesome. 😀

    Thanks, thats a Northern Yellow Shafted Flicker, the only “woodpecker” to feed on the ground and prone to using abandoned woodpecker nest cavities. I have a few more fun facts about them, but I will refrain.


    I thought that bird looked familiar. They live around here also.I’ve even seen them foraging on the ground for bugs.The only woodpecker I know any thing about other than Woody Woodpecker.

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