07-23-08 – Farktography Classic: Blue II

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 07-23-08 – Farktography Classic: Blue II

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  • #17257

    What about a blue subject against the night sky? The sky in this case simply provides a black background.

    Elsinore, Teffy, your thoughts?


    I would think if it’s truly black, it would be ok, but Teffy can clarify if that’s not ok.


    What about clouds? I’ve got a few shots that are nicely blue and purple, with no sky at all – but they do include clouds. Completely overcast.

    Yea or nay?


    Wow- checking over the archive, the last ‘blue’ theme, there were a lot of shots of sky– I can see the argument for not using sky as the dominant blue in the photo, especially on the heels of all these flying things today in… well… sky.

    OTOH, I’m glad I already submitted this one for a diff. contest-
    I’d be frustrated I couldn’t use it, even though the sky has more non-blue than the rest of the photo! 😉

    Well, off to play with blue things this week!

    (flickr TOS link back to shot’s page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/annebphoto/318951485/in/set-72157594335527744)


    I may have all three of my pictures. I have to get permission on the third one because in it is my step-son’s half sister, and her mom might have issues with her being viewed by thousands on the internet, lol. Nice lady and she adores me, but some people are just squeamish that way. 😉 If she says “no” I have a picture in mind to shoot which, for all i know, might turn out so well that i decide to use it instead anyway. 😛 I’m really pleased with the ones I have so far — better than any since my first contest, that’s for sure. 😀


    omg, that makes it sound like the half-sister was a blue baby or something. Let me reiterate she’s IN the picture. hahaha!


    This won’t be my entry, but just wanted to show that Polar bears can have a hue of blue….Depending on the location, they won’t always appear white.


    This won’t be my entry,

    … but it’s a damn fine picture. if that’s a reject, i look forward to what you submit. 🙂


    Awww, thanks for the kind words, Kat…..I’d rather not say what she’s ripping into on this next feeding shot, but let’s just say…..She’s used to this, and it’s her favorite.

    P.S…From what they’ve told me….She was pregnant at the time.

    Yah !…….Stuffin’ zee face !….Ommmm, nom nom !


    Not something you see often…..In fact, maybe never….Here is one of her front paws. It’s bigger than my head, ……and my head is kinda’ big….Ooooooffff, that’s a HUGE biatch !!!

    *Smaller than actual size*


    *Smaller than actual size*

    heehee, i hope so, or you’d have a pretty tiny head. Neat picture – I suppose most who get that view of a polar bear’s paw don’t have a very long life expectancy…


    eep, haven’t been here, just got back home.. and I see I’ve had a lot of questions about the no sky. If the main subject is blue and is sky, including cloudy sky, I’d say it breaks the no sky limit. But incidental sky, or sky other colors that is not the main focus should be ok. I’ve got no problems with the Mr. Blue pic because you don’t even notice the sky unless you look at it for a bit.


    sweet, thanks for the clarification


    Hey guys I just wanted to check these 2 photos with Elsinore and Teffy to make sure they are fine, and dont violate the difficulty or anything. Here is a link to em: http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn289/gensolo/My%20Pics/PoliceCar.png


    eep, haven’t been here, just got back home.. and I see I’ve had a lot of questions about the no sky. If the main subject is blue and is sky, including cloudy sky, I’d say it breaks the no sky limit. But incidental sky, or sky other colors that is not the main focus should be ok. I’ve got no problems with the Mr. Blue pic because you don’t even notice the sky unless you look at it for a bit.

    How about my fake sky from page 1 of this thread, Teffy?

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