08-08-07 – Abandon All Hope

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 08-08-07 – Abandon All Hope

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    Quick Silver:Regardless, I really liked your abandoned school and farmhouse shots (they got votes from me this week). There’s something sort of magical about the abandoned school, particularly.

    Thank You, there are old books and a broken black board that I couldn’t get because I didn’t take a flash with me. DuH I am not bitching about votes it’s just that when the situation of what was acceptable was laid out, I think it was obvious and it was ignored.
    In the future I will not activate voting for any of my shots. Then when I bitch, all will know that I am not complaining about someone getting more votes than me.


    In the future I will not activate voting for any of my shots. Then when I bitch, all will know that I am not complaining about someone getting more votes than me.

    I think that would be a mistake, honestly, to not envotinate. You’ve shown us some great stuff (and made it into the recent top 10 vote getters!). Understand I wasn’t pointing the finger at you at all–I was explaining my predicament as a mod who still participates in the contests. Some Fark mods feel that no contest entries should be removed once the thread opens (posting violations aside) due to the potential for it to look like a bias issue. That’s harder to follow with Farktography, but it’s a sentiment that’s out there. So please accept my apologies if you thought I was suggesting anything toward you. I was (rather clumsily) trying to clarify mod issues.

    For what it’s worth, I think all of us at one point or another in Farktography have a theme that makes us want to tear out our hair for one reason or ten. Mine was the Doors theme when a picture of a window received a healthy number of votes 😆


    Firstly I wasn’t pointing a finger at you for not pulling those shots. I also didn’t take it as comming from you and saw no finger pointing. I just saw the possibility of others seeing me complaining about votes and that is not the picture I want to convey at all. I understand that the mods have their hands full and there is a lot of work that goes into these contests. Thank you and all of the other Mods for a great job. I really enjoy the forums and maybe get a little too wrapped up in the contests. I will reconsider.


    Yeah, it happens. At the end of the day, it’s just a game, eh? 😉


    But what a game!


    I just got up, and saw like 100 new entries since about 7 am. Wowza! And what entries! Good, nay, Great, nay FANTASTIC job, folks!


    Elsinore crafted the electrons to speak thus:

    Mine was the Doors theme when a picture of a window received a healthy number of votes

    I know… off-theme entries bug me, as well. You’re clearly a person after my own heart there.



    Don’t let your ego get in the way, and please don’t disable voting. I like a lot of your stuff and would like to be able to acknowledge it via a vote. I’ll even forgive you for getting more votes than me 😉 Well, once in a while :mrgreen:


    Wow. Just wow.

    Can’t believe I missed the boat (again) on this one.

    Hope this theme comes back as a “classic” somewhere down the road.


    Dammit Claff you did! Speaking of boats, that’s coming up too–don’t miss that one! This theme definitely has the makings of a repeat next year sometime.


    QuickSilver by not having voting you get left out of the statistics. or at least some of them. to me it’s not worth it.

    and just FYI i have pissed and moaned to the point of being a major pain re off theme. and not always that politely. all comments here are taken in the spirit of trying to help the contests be better.

    the contests, being an open forum, unfortunately invite the stupid to post. anyone who can figure out how to host and post an entry should be able to read, understand and follow the theme and description. but since they can’t there are those who will give them some slack hoping that next time they will know better. also as noted there’s the whole what to do to an entry that already has votes. so you can see that the problem is compounded by the other dumb asses that also don’t read but vote.

    yeah, it’s a sore spot with me too but i’ll get over it. 🙂


    Silverstag, Curious and Elsinore, thank you for your kind words and encouragement.
    I will enable the voting.
    /Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain……..I am the great and powerfull OZ


    /Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain……..I am the great and powerfull OZ

    Hey! That’s my tagline!

    Oh, and, uh, Goober says hey.


    Hey to Goober!


    Every farktography contest someone doesn’t post a picture of a wang in a bowl of skittles I consider a wonderful success.

    😆 That made my Monday. That is a perfect perspective for Fark.

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