03-16-11 – Black

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    Photos with a predominantly black color, or something black. Difficulty: No entirely black compositions. Not meant to be a black and white contest.

    Theme suggestion courtesy of clouddancer–thanks!


    another stoooopid question. (and feel free to send a mental flogging my way–i deserve it.)
    so, i had a shot removed from a recent contest–“color popping naturally”–for guideline violation that might be ideal for this contest. i’m not allowed to re-submit it, am i?


    In my opinion, as long as the pic wasn’t actually used and counted (i.e. – got 1+ votes) and as long as it doesn’t break any farktography rules, you can use it.


    My understand is that that’s the case as well. Likewise, posting a pic, pulling it before the contest opens, and using it later.


    Yep, what they said. If the photo never received votes because of being deleted, it can be used again provided it otherwise adheres to the rules and theme.


    uhm…i think it got 2 or 3 votes. any way to verify?


    If it got those votes but was deleted, then those votes disappeared, so you’re fine. But you can see all your entries (unless you entered “Filtered For Your Protection”–that theme has been filtered for our protection, so the entries are missing) at http://www.schneeworld.com/fsm/ . Just put your username into the box on the left and it will pull up your profile. If the photo is listed there, then it isn’t eligible to be used unless the theme allows repeat entries. If the photo in question is from the Filtered For Your Protection theme, you’ll need to look at the actual Fark thread.


    Thanks. I’m good to go, as it doesn’t show.


    I recommend highly either tagging your photos, or otherwise filing them in a way so that they’re searchable. Personally, I self-host so it’s pretty trivial. I keep frame numbers in every picture title, so a on my Farktography folder will quickly tell me if I’ve even considered a shot for a contest, and which contest, so I can determine whether it was one I used, or just a bee.

    It comes in handy when you’ve been doing this for a couple of years, and find yourself archive-diving =P


    Thanks, olavf. As I’ve become more of a player in farktography rather than a lurker/stalker/voyeur, I’ve begun tagging my photos in Flickr. I was just unsure of rules concerning it being removed by the mods and it not showing in the history at schneeworld. Sad to say, but I have to archive dig for most weeks because of my brutal work schedule.


    i have my own hosting and a folder there for farktography. photos are “current contest name 1” then 2 and 3. it’s not an absolute rule but it does help keep them sorted. even then were it not for FSM (thanks schnee) checking for prior use would be more difficult.

    i also have a PS convert folder on my computer where all entries are copied to prior to resizing. if i grab an original and then get a “replace file xxx” message when pasting that’s a pretty good clue. of course when i build a new computer that folder gets recreated on it so anything more than two years or so old may get missed.


    Does the black have to be the object of the photo? I have some pics that are 3/4 black, but then have a colored object.


    Does the black have to be the object of the photo? I have some pics that are 3/4 black, but then have a colored object.

    I believe it just has to have a lot of black in it. The pictures I’m planning on using have some color in them, but the majority of the photograph is black/dark.


    Does the black have to be the object of the photo? I have some pics that are 3/4 black, but then have a colored object.

    I believe it just has to have a lot of black in it. The pictures I’m planning on using have some color in them, but the majority of the photograph is black/dark.

    That’s what I was thinking, too. I’ve got a sunrise sillouette (sp?) and a black butterfly thusfar. Hope these are good…


    silhouettes are pretty much the theme of my blackness, too.

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