05-13-09 – Happy Farktography Anniversary IV

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 05-13-09 – Happy Farktography Anniversary IV

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    I tweaked the theme description a bit to make it more clear that entries are to come from photos since May 2008.


    I’d assumed that any pic had to be from last year. Oh well, probably wouldn’t have changed my entries, but I know a few people that’ll likely submit if that’s the case.

    /oh, and Elsinore, thanks again for the opinion. Definitely using that one this week.


    n/p–looking forward to seeing it tonight 🙂


    Great theme. I have 3 that jumped out immediately because I had originally entered them before I had upgraded my flikr account. So this time they’ll be linked to embiggened versions which really add a lot.


    Da-amn. There are good photos tonight.


    No lipstick pig U-Man? 🙁


    so many people recycling contest pictures. i thought there’d be more new stuff. there is extremely little overlap between my favorite pictures and the pictures i’ve been able to use for farktography. this contest was a chance to use some of them. although the flower was sort of a ‘day late and a dollar short’ for ‘tiptoes through the tulips’, i chose it because the b-sides are ones i am actually considering for upcoming contests and suggested themes.

    the down side to the pictures that i’m using: i’ve learned so much about photography even in the last few weeks that i’m scared about using photos as old as the bridge and the widow are. i can only hope at least a few people don’t find them flawed.


    *Ahem*… ok… ok… *calming self down*…

    So there I was, scrolling through the fledgling thread, enjoying the trip down this past year’s memory lane via farktography. I’m just thinking to myself, “boy, it sure is great that we have all these awesome soothing photos and people to interact with on a weekly basis”. I’m moving slightly faster as I get toward the bottom of the thread, my feet resting on the floor beneath my desk at work, eyes scanning lightly over each photo. Suddenly, there’s JustKat‘s black widow, looming huge at eye level; the very symbol of evil in an otherwise idyllic virtual world. As many spider pictures as I take, I am still quite the arachnophobe when it comes to that particular species and especially when I am surprised.

    Good stuff Kat, that was better than a cup of coffee to wake me up at the end of the day! Now, if I can just convince myself to come down off my desk, I could go home and climb into bed where I could twitch myself to sleep all-the-while imagining the tingling of little black legs under the covers with me… 😉

    /Seriously, good photo, just surprised the hell out of me.
    //I’m a wimp.
    ///I think we’re going to need a “vote all” button for this thread…


    Da-amn. There are good photos tonight.

    Definitely high on the ‘wow’ factor.


    *Ahem*… ok… ok… *calming self down*…

    Good stuff Kat, that was better than a cup of coffee to wake me up at the end of the day! Now, if I can just convince myself to come down off my desk, I could go home and climb into bed where I could twitch myself to sleep all-the-while imagining the tingling of little black legs under the covers with me… 😉

    *giggle* i sowwy. i know some people are really afraid of spiders and in any other thread i would have linked it with big SPIDER warnings… but it’s my impression that photos that are just linked don’t do all that well. nonetheless, i’m sure you won’t be the only one to have that reaction.

    thanks so much for the compliment!!


    Great shots tonight!

    I decided to go with one new, one day late dollar short, and one of my better performers.

    Kat, I’d need like a 900mm lens to get a Black Widow shot like that 😯


    heeheehee i took it with my p&s and that picture is about 60% of the original, so i’m guessing i was about 18 inches away? maybe only a foot.


    millera9 wrote:
    *Ahem*… ok… ok… *calming self down*…

    So did you see Kat’s answer to my question on the contest thread? That black widow spider was on her patio!!!!]

    mopsy wrote:

    *Ahem*… ok… ok… *calming self down*.

    So did you see Kat’s answer to my question on the contest thread? That black widow spider was on her patio!!!!]

    i’m afraid we committed arachnicide after i was done shooting it. can’t really be having black widows that close to the house.

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