06-13-12 – Photo Mosaics

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 06-13-12 – Photo Mosaics

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    So, just so I’m clear, something like this is what we’re going for? 5 frames, similar in nature (time sequence, sunspot being eclipsed). Yay? Nay?



    So, is it going to be a collage or a mosaic?


    We’ll let kestrana clarify.


    To me the word “collage” implies things overlaid with one another, but that is the direction I intended, not the creation of a picture using other pictures. The example buoys picture from Flickr was the inspiration for this theme. So I guess, it’s a collection of similar photos arranged in a pleasing way. I’ll leave “similar” somewhat open – for example if they’re all a bunch of abstract splotches or buttons or whatever. If you want to make a mosaic like ennuipoet did, all the source images must have the same “theme”, i.e. if it’s a picture of a fish, the little pictures should all be fish too. And they should all be your photo. If this is getting too confusing, we could suggest between 4 – 20 individual images or in some other way limit the craziness.




    ((I think…))


    I like ennui’s program. I made this with it!

    DSC_7661 Mosaic by MusicInPictures.net (Ken Cote), on Flickr


    To me the word “collage” implies things overlaid with one another, but that is the direction I intended, not the creation of a picture using other pictures.

    Yeah, I was afraid “collage” might have unintended implications as well. I wonder if “tiled image” or some variation would help? Of course, that would include the photo mosaics like ennuipoet posted.

    I do wonder if we should put a number cap on the images. Basically, under regular Farktography rules, any of the images used in this collage/mosaic/tile would be ineligible to use in future Farktography contests. Obviously, that’s going to be very difficult to police, even with 10 or 20 images, much less 400 or 600 like in some of the photo mosaics.


    To help policing, it doesn’t bother me if people use “formerly used” images in this contest, but I hadn’t mentioned that because I didn’t want to open a new can of worms. Maybe we should amend the contest directions to say:

    Use 4 – 20 images to create a photo mosaic. Photo subjects must be similar in nature (exp. 8 different pictures of buoys). All photos must be your own. Normal Farktography rules apply to each individual photo but you may use tools to combine your photos that would normally not be allowed.


    I like those amended directions.



    I’ve already shot 2 things with an eye towards this theme since realizing that it wasn’t a “Photomosaic” you wanted. Looking forward to it (I can’t remember if I voted for this theme, probably not, but now I wish I were sure that I had). This should be fun!


    I’ve got an idea for this, but it requires models and props, and man the deadline is comin up fast 😯

    So, I may not end up being able to play (I really hope to have at least one entry though) … but I agree the title “photo mosaics” is confusing, and does not seem to agree with the amended description. Maybe change the title to something like “Gridlock” or “The (Photo) Matrix”?

    I’m assuming the images have to be in grid form here, otherwise sleeping‘s “Polyptych” suggestion would be better.

    /definitely going to play with that free mosaic software, that is some cool shiat right there 8)


    Well I took the theme name from the Flickr blog entry where my example came from. A mosaic is simply interlocking tiles, which is what this is. You don’t have to have a grid, you can arrange the images in any way you see fit.


    Are these ok?



    or do I need to actually MAKE something with the pics?

    If I am reading right the first one is spot on. The second one also but the first one made me say Damn! cool idea.


    Well I took the theme name from the Flickr blog entry where my example came from. A mosaic is simply interlocking tiles, which is what this is. You don’t have to have a grid, you can arrange the images in any way you see fit.

    Ok, thanks for the clarification.

    Yugo, I quite like both of those. That first one of the flowers is the epitome of outside-the-box thinking!

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