06-15-11 – In Deep Shadow

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 06-15-11 – In Deep Shadow

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    I don’t have a lot of time to shoot this week so I’m looking through my archives. This one was done recently though and I *think* it fits?



    I don’t see a problem with it.


    OK thanks 🙂 I wasn’t sure since it was night and it’s a silhouette and not a shadow..


    Need a ruling:


    looks good to me, rav.


    QueenBee and Rav, they look good to me. I like the silver highlight edges on the leaves QB!


    I shot one new one for this week and plan to archive dive for the other two. However, I can’t tell if I used my other possibles in prior contests ’cause schnee spilled beer on the FSM.

    I’m not complaining about schnee having a life. Really and truly. 🙂 But if we don’t have an FSM by go-time can we get some leniency for scarlet R’s?

    If I had to, I could re-upload a pic to my image-host with a new name.


    I need a feeler.

    My other self lurks in the shadows by Orionid, on Flickr

    Is this too subtle? If not, is it votable? Have you completely missed the point?

    I really like the photo, and I’ve seen subtlety do really well in voting before, but I’ve also seen it flop because it was either too subtle, too obscure, or just wasn’t great photographically.

    Thanks in advance!


    Also, I really wanted to do a Shigeo Fukuda style shadow sculpture for this, but never got around to it. I was too busy failing at hacking a scanner. I hope something like these shows up, though.


    orionid; I’m seeing a nice portrait of you, and if I’m not mistaken, you refer to the ‘negative’ ‘image’ of you in the shadows, but if that’s the point, then yes; I think it’s too subtle (and my subtle pics always bomb.) However, it’s very nicely done on it’s own. As for votes–like any of us could guess what the voters will like…

    U-man; the solution is simple–you need to go through each and every farktography contest you’ve ever participated in and simply figure out if you’ve used it before. You have 5 hours. This should be enough time. 😀


    I’m with rav. I see the same thing. I don’t think the bulk of voters would try to ‘read’ anything more than your face lit from the side for dramatic FX.

    Those peeing sculptures are ‘far-out, dude”. I actually like them. I’d like to try my hand at one of those sculptures some day, too.

    rav – actually, there are only a few themes that the pics would fit well. I could just look at those and decrease my chance of a Repeat to almost nil.


    Need a feeler for this guy:

    Too much black, not enough “shadow”?

    Also, I’m having problems selecting a final shot. Any suggestions/recommendations from the following?
    Dark Legos


    FWIW, orionid, I like that pic – I’d say it’s votable.


    I shot one new one for this week and plan to archive dive for the other two. However, I can’t tell if I used my other possibles in prior contests ’cause schnee spilled beer on the FSM.

    I’m not complaining about schnee having a life. Really and truly. 🙂 But if we don’t have an FSM by go-time can we get some leniency for scarlet R’s?

    OK, guys & gals, since FSM went down I’ve been spending all of my free time, a lot of my sleep time, and the time I’d normally put into the next contest (which may result in me having to skip this one) working on the new stats site.

    It’s not ready yet (but watch for an announcement within the next day or so), but I’m far enough along that I was able to whip up something quick and dirty that may help here. It’s a page showing thumbnails of every entry for a given user with the contest date and theme. The thumbnails themselves are links to the entry in the Fark contest in case you need to view larger.

    You can access it with this URL:


    where myusername is, of course, your Fark username.

    For example, to see all of U-Man‘s entries, the link is http://www.bibliostats.com/farktography/user/u-man

    It’s not ready for prime time nor optimized for volume and is subject to change at any time, so please don’t share it publically or otherwise link to it, but it should suffice for now.


    I was able to whip up something quick and dirty that may help here.


    Or maybe, damn, I *have* used that one already….

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