06-20-12 – Parks

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  • #2720

    Show us pictures from parks: National Parks, State Parks, City Parks, Ballparks, Water Parks, Art Parks, Public Parks, Botanical Parks, etc. Difficulty: No parking lots

    This theme suggestion courtesy of Yugoboy!


    I’m probably splitting hairs here, but would you consider this a botanical park?


    Also. Macro IN CAMERA is allowed, correct?


    Also. Macro IN CAMERA is allowed, correct?

    Not sure what you mean by “in camera”. I’ve used a macro lens in non-macro contents before, I think everyone’s OK with that. Generally it is my understanding that anything you can do with your camera is OK, but there are some grey areas. For instance, camera software is getting more sophisticated all the time and it may be possible now or at some point to do things like HDR in camera. I’m pretty sure that I would feel strongly about letting HDR fly unless the contest called for it. I think the general philosophy is to test what kind of photographer you are, and not what kind of photoshopper you are so any “traditional” photographic techniques are well tolerated, be they in camera, by changing lenses or in software used for post processing.

    Kind of long winded, sorry.

    As far as Phipps goes, you’ll have to consult the author of the contest (Farktographer) for a ruling. He should chime in at some point.


    Would national refuges and forests count for this contest?

    For Macro in camera, are you just talking about an option on a dial with modes like sport and landscape modes? If so any of those modes are fine to use. In general in camera modifications can only be used if its something thats allowable on computer too.


    As long as we’re asking questions: does it have to be a publicly funded park like the examples above?

    I ask because it turns out two of our larger churches downtown have nice little contemplation areas/parks on premises. Paths, flowers, fountains, the whole bit, just owned by the church not the city. Yes or no is good either way, there’s still a TON of public parks ’round here (including several Frederick Law Olmstead designs).


    Conservatories, national forests, private parks and the like should be fine for this contest. I believe it was Farktographer‘s intent to keep it wide open.

    geom to reiterate the above points – using Macro mode in camera or a macro lens is always ok. Let us know if we didn’t sufficiently address your question.


    Hope I’m not beating a dead horse but what about “Open Space Preserves”? We have a lot of those here in S. California and I’m new to Farktography so… Yeah… I’m assuming OSP’s would count? Sounds like it, just checking.



    Wogus, I think if it’s been specifically set aside as a nature preserve, it qualifies. Also, welcome to the forums!


    Wogus, I think if it’s been specifically set aside as a nature preserve, it qualifies.

    Cool… That’s the sort of thing I’m thinking about.

    Also, welcome to the forums!

    Thank you! Missed the deadline on “Rust Never Sleeps” but did it anyway just for fun. Looking forward to some of the upcoming challenges as well.


    Would ball parks count?


    Well I screwed up and attributed the theme to the wrong person. Sorry about that Yugoboy, I’ve fixed it above now. From the original suggestion he said “National Parks, State Parks, City Parks, Ballparks, Water Parks, Art Parks, Public Parks, Botanical Parks etc. ” so I think if you could call it a “park” in any form, it’s g2g.

    Except parking lots. Specifically banned.


    D’oh, the parking lot ban somehow didn’t make it into the description–I’ll fix that.


    Yeah… we just had a parking lot contest… thanx for fixing that Kes… I had totally forgotten that was one of mine!


    I’m 100% sure I have multiple pics from multiple parks. But would photos I took at a music festival (with attendance of 60K hippie freaks) at Three Sisters Park in Chillicothe, IL fit the spirit of this theme?

    Don’t hesitate to say no if they don’t fit.


    U-Man, although I’m afraid it’s still going to kick my ass, the operative part of your question is “Three Sisters PARK“.

    I’ll go with yes (since it turns out it’s my theme 🙂 )

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