06-20-12 – Parks

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  • #47380

    U-Man, although I’m afraid it’s still going to kick my ass, the operative part of your question is “Three Sisters PARK“.

    I’ll go with yes (since it turns out it’s my theme 🙂 )

    Cool. So it’s a pretty open theme. We will have to operate on the honor system (like we do for lots of stuff) this week. I have some photos of birds and cattails and whatnot that were taken in a local park. But they could easily have been taken in Mopsy’s yard.

    / I don’t even know if I’ll use the festival pics.


    I have hundreds of pictures from various places in the Redwood National Forest/ State Park system. Not sure If I will use any as most probably just look like any old redwood forest and don’t much say “park”.


    Cool. So it’s a pretty open theme. We will have to operate on the honor system (like we do for lots of stuff) this week. I have some photos of birds and cattails and whatnot that were taken in a local park. But they could easily have been taken in Mopsy’s yard.


    The openness also allows us to do more narrow terms before the 2 years are up (State Parks, National Parks, City Parks, Amusement Parks, etc…)


    I’ve whittled my possibilities down to 10, anyone want to help me get down to 3. http://www.flickr.com/photos/guine/sets/72157627456495981/


    linguine, I’m torn on a third, but I think 0001 and 0044 for sure. Maybe 0125; I like the “3D-ness” of the clouds in that one.


    I like 0087, the portrait orientation will help with the whole Fark size limit thing, and the B&W look really works with the subject imho.


    *sigh* Thanks to the IT guys at work (they accidentally erased my domain account) last week has ben hell for me… I’ll have to resort to the archive for this one, even though I wasn’t even considering it.


    Kestrana: This is the most photographed part of Central Park 😀


    I have a technical question for the “judges.” I don’t want it to cause any problems, I just don’t understand the difference between what Orionid and sometimes Soosh do to their photos that make them unnaturally colored and what U-Man did to his photo that had the extreme silver sheen. There are times when I would like to change the coloration on my photo, but I hold back for fear it will be pulled. I know whatever is done has to be done to the entire photo, but I would like to hear how you rule on this type of change to ones photo.


    Well I’ve got pics of that place too 😛


    I have a technical question for the “judges.” I don’t want it to cause any problems, I just don’t understand the difference between what Orionid and sometimes Soosh do to their photos that make them unnaturally colored and what U-Man did to his photo that had the extreme silver sheen. There are times when I would like to change the coloration on my photo, but I hold back for fear it will be pulled. I know whatever is done has to be done to the entire photo, but I would like to hear how you rule on this type of change to ones photo.

    In orionid‘s case he didn’t do anything to the photo – he converted his d50 to take photos in the infrared spectrum. Essentially, you use your white balance in camera to select what color is white – so if you set it on grass, green would be white, and it adjusts other colors in the spectrum along the color wheel accordingly.

    As for U-Man I don’t know, but he could be using Nik effects, arguably the best black and white conversion software available. There are so many ways to adjust black and white, some might have a silvery sheen to them, but I’m not sure exactly what you’re referring to. I’m sure he can shed more light on it though.


    I have a technical question for the “judges.” I don’t want it to cause any problems, I just don’t understand the difference between what Orionid and sometimes Soosh do to their photos that make them unnaturally colored and what U-Man did to his photo that had the extreme silver sheen. There are times when I would like to change the coloration on my photo, but I hold back for fear it will be pulled. I know whatever is done has to be done to the entire photo, but I would like to hear how you rule on this type of change to ones photo.

    In orionid‘s case he didn’t do anything to the photo – he converted his d50 to take photos in the infrared spectrum. Essentially, you use your white balance in camera to select what color is white – so if you set it on grass, green would be white, and it adjusts other colors in the spectrum along the color wheel accordingly.

    I’m talking about the one that got pulled from Show Us Your Darkside thread.

    As for U-Man I don’t know, but he could be using Nik effects, arguably the best black and white conversion software available. There are so many ways to adjust black and white, some might have a silvery sheen to them, but I’m not sure exactly what you’re referring to. I’m sure he can shed more light on it though.


    Oops, how did that happen. My comment ended up in the middle of Kestrana’s responce. I repeat that I was talking about the one that got pulled from Show Us Your Darkside thread.


    I’ve been considering different B&W software but don’t have anything special. This is just a contrasty Photoshop B&W.
    The gold-sheen creepy kid was done (primarily) with Topaz Adjust.

    Mopsy, orionid’s pic was done with a ‘mechanically’ altered camera. There weren’t any unusual software manipulations.

    I have to select #3 and I’m not super happy with my choices so far…

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