09-28-11 – Show of Emotion 2

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 09-28-11 – Show of Emotion 2

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    Thanks. I’m just not on my game; woke up late, hadn’t yet decided on images, posted in haste…a rough way to start ones 44th year!

    Is this a subtle way to get us to say happy b-day? cause if it is Happy birthday.

    Damn my voting finger is gonna get one hell of a workout this week!

    meah. I turned 43, ending that year and starting the next. It was really just a side comment. Not like a landmark year (50 for example). But thanks just the same!!

    //it was nice when 1/2 the crew I work with broke out in song and wished me a happy one. Totally unexpected. I’ve been working on interpersonal relationships–I guess I’m getting better.

    That aside, however, I’ve proudly pointed out to my brother to point out to his daughter (my god-daughter, age 4) that HER picture is currently winning–because, of course, she’s beautiful and everyone loves her. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. 😀

    There are some really good shots this week–aren’t there always? I’m always so impressed by everyone’s craft. I particularly like olavf‘s entries, and plama‘s selfy I love. The same above brother wrote to me recently and said, “damn, you notch up your game, and everyone else notched it up further“.

    ayep. MTE.


    U-man it’s got emotion in spades. That it’s such a complex range is maybe the only thing I can say against it. Grab, yes. Tells a story in a single frame, yes. Emotion, yes. Even if it’s not a winner, it’s one I’d be more than happy to have done myself.

    /and I’ll vote for it

    Yes, I agree, great job U-Man!

    and Happy Bday Rav!


    Lots of good stuff this week (as usual). I love digitalfilmmaker’s entry. Even though you don’t see their faces, you can read the emotion from their body language. I love the detail of the long walkway in front of them. Lovely image.




    You know, with those animals “Wild Things” is SO your contest. The rest of us are vying for 4th, 5th, etc.

    That last–wow.

    Damn I envy you those.

    Thanks Rav but I?m not real sure about me owning the Wild Things next week, there are plenty of people here that shoot wild life as well or better than I do. That and I still haven?t decided what to put in that one. I figure I?ll put this one in, but I have no idea what else to enter. I?m not real happy with either the charging tiger or the bloody wolf.

    That is a loooong story about why I switch from nikon to canon after shooting nikon film bodies for about 20 years.

    If I can get my slide scanner fixed or replaced this weekend then I’ll have the slides from the Yellowstone and the tiger shoots that I can use.



    and Happy B-Day Rav


    there are plenty of people here that shoot wild life as well or better than I do.

    Yeah, maybe, but I think most of them are out on assignment with NatGeo, so you should be good (especially with that tiger or eagle b-side from last week). 🙂

    That is a loooong story about why I switch from nikon to canon after shooting nikon film bodies for about 20 years.

    Oooh, you can’t just say something like that and not provide details! Us Canonites need all the fodder we can get in the perpetual war with those heathen Nikonians. 😉

    And happy 43rd, rav. Hope this year is a good one for ya.


    Elsinore, assuming it’s not intentional, U-Man‘s entry at http://www.fark.com/comments/6602766/72024961#c72024961 has disappeared.


    You abandoned nikon? For shame!


    Thanks for the kudos ravnostic, and happy birthday!


    Good catch, CauseISaidSo–got it restored.

    U-Man: The image in question is 139k…in theory it shouldn’t be a problem, but there could have been a hiccup. Hopefully that won’t happen again, but keep an eye out just in case.

    Rav: Happy birthday; hope it’s been good 🙂

    Everyone: So Saturday is my college reunion (which one? er…nevermind…) and a 5k, so I’ll be gone most of the day. If something needs immediate attention, send a Farkback, however, I will be back Saturday evening at the latest, so if it’s something that can wait, I can address it when I get home and can post the thread congrats.


    Happy b-day, Rav!


    That is a loooong story about why I switch from nikon to canon after shooting nikon film bodies for about 20 years.

    Oooh, you can’t just say something like that and not provide details! Us Canonites need all the fodder we can get in the perpetual war with those heathen Nikonians. 😉

    Well you asked for it. Here it is.

    The wolves and the tiger shoots were taken with a D1X which in my opinion is the second worst digital camera I have ever shot with. The D100 took the top spot. I was thinking of switching from slides to digital in 2004. During this time and I had bought the D100 to see if I wanted to switch over. I had the D100 for 11 months; Nikon repair had it for 7 of those.

    The last time it crapped out was when I was in Yellowstone for a three week winter workshop and then we were going to Minnesota to photograph the tiger at an abandoned airfield. The second day into the trip my D100 started doing the same thing it had done twice before and I was left standing in subzero weather with a $2000.00 paper weight attached to the 600 that I had rented for the trip. I was planning to get either the 500 or the 600 and wanted to try them out.

    I call Nikon support to let them know that my camera had quit working for the third time. After an hour that got me nowhere the tech had the nerve to tell me I should consider purchasing a pro body. I told him to reread my file and explain to me if he thought I was dumb enough to spend $6000.00 on a 5 megapixel, 3 FPS, and could only take 8 raw images before the buffer was full PRO BODY when they couldn?t keep my $2000.00 camera working for more than 20 days at a time.

    A friend that was on the trip with me was a contracted Nikon pro and he let me use his spare D1X for the rest of the trip. I had also brought a film body and a couple of bricks of Provia 100 on the trip and I switched between the two for the next 4 weeks of the trip.

    Once I got back I shipped it off to Nikon for repairs again and sent a letter to the VP in charge of the repair center to explain why I was going to take his support persons advice and buy a pro body, but that it would say Canon on it. The D1 at the time sold for $5,500.00 had 4.5 mega pixels, 8 FPS, and could hold 18 raw images before the buffer was full.

    It took them 3 months to get the D100 back to me. During that time Canon released the D1 Mark II and I bought that one instead.

    I didn’t abandon Nikon, they abandoned me.


    Ouch! I can identify in way, except replace Nikon with Sony for me. I was an early tech adopter and bought Sony CD players (back in ’84 when they weren’t $99), tape decks, camcorders, TVs, etc. Except for one tape deck, they all failed shortly after the warranty expired. After my Sony camcorder died on me in the middle of a family ski trip, I swore off Sony and haven’t purchased another of their products for years now.


    Well after that experience I can certainly understand your reasoning. That sucks 🙁 But I had pretty much the same issue with admittedly cheaper technology from Canon. My A1 powershot had an internal component that failed and they issued a recall. I signed up for the recall but when they received my camera they said there was too much other damage to the casing (from dropping it multiple times during rock climbing in Nevada) that they couldn’t be sure the faulty part was to blame. I told them the camera worked fine for 2 years after I stopped living in Nevada and I had pictures to prove it. After 2 months of haggling they said they would keep my camera for further testing. I’ve never gotten in back. Ended up buying a Samsung P&S about a year later when I started doing Farktography.


    That is a loooong story about why I switch from nikon to canon after shooting nikon film bodies for about 20 years.

    I read the story with joy in my heart. I’m not joyful because of your bad experience. I’m joyful of the platinum lining of that black cloud. 🙂

    Do you have an ‘L’ telephoto for your Canon? Any recommendations?

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