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  • #19812


    I beg to differ. Done correctly with the right equipment it is an amazing way to take pictures.

    (not mine)

    I’ll agree, but this is a farktography thread. Few people here have the time, nor should be expected to put in the time, for something that is supposed to be fun and easy to participate in.
    This was the worst contest ever. Yes it was a challange, had I had more time I would have made a rig with a ground glass and could have gotten elaborate. But again, I have a clue. Most farkers do not. That is why there are only 40 entries, and a few of them are questionable. There are also off topic pics which did not get deleted, but I had some comments that were, even though I did not thread jack. 🙄 (now I see it was some comments that I replied to that were general farktography questions and that I was thanked for replying to 🙄 🙄 )

    The farktography threads have gotten to be a mutual admiration society, and that’s why I stopped participating. If you aren’t in the clicue, then the rules are applied differently. That was brought up in the uberthread about moderation , what, a month or two ago?

    If you want to have a contest like that here, fine. If you want to behave that way here, fine. But taking it to is pretty pathetic.

    I could go on and on, since you hate me anyway and I really don’t care whether you do or not, but I have other things to do today. Glad I got that off my chest


    A hole stuck on the front of a lens in most cases is going to produce mechanical vignetting rather than functioning as a pinhole aperture (basically just blocking out light from the edges of the image). You can tell that NoBigDeal’s example isn’t working as a pinhole because the background is out of focus and the foreground is sharp. If the hole was functioning as an aperture it would all be more or less the same sharpness (or unsharpness)

    Some lenses are designed so the aperture is near/at the front of the lens (like the lensbabies), in which case you could produce pinhole images by adding a pinhole aperture to the front of the lens, but the results would look like they were shot with a pinhole camera.



    Okay all you technical Farkers. Here’s what this novice did. Tell me if I can enter my photos. First, I have been told how easy it is to get dust in your camera when taking the lens off. So it did not do that. I took construction paper, go ahead and laugh, cut a circle, folded it and folded it again to find the middle. Poked a hole in the middle with a needle. Hole was too small to show anything. Read Soosh’s suggestion that digital may need a larger hole and did that. Adhered it directly on the lens. Put the camera on manual, played with the f-stop, focused and took pictures. I like the way they turned out. Kinda whispy looking. But you need to tell me if I can enter them.

    Yeah a “pinhole” is really a misnomer. They usually are quite large. It sounds like what you have done are valid images. The thing with pinhole cameras is they tend to be very distored, depoending on the back, and out of focus because of the relatively large apeture and lack of (omst time) fucosing adjustment.


    Too much work. Pinholes are a lot of fun, but I don’t think this is a particulary good assignment. I liked the challenge and wish I had been paying closer attention and I would have started a rig weeks ago. But unless you have a DSLR and a body cap you are willing to sacrafice, this isn’t pinhole photograpy. 😈


    OK, so in this thread the question of of aspect ratio came up twice with no answer given. There is no mention of aspect ratio in the rules. So why was my pic deleted for being “too square” when others , including one that was a true square, weren’t deleted? This is the second time that I had something removed that was allowed by another farker. I’m fine for rules, but arbitrary application is BS.


    See, I thought there was enough for a healthy discussion.
    What photobooth sounds like is a video capture, which would equal a screen shot(maybe). It’s similar at least.
    I don’t know, it may have just been this particular weeks contest that the issue would ever come up. And please let me reiterate, I’m not complaining, just trying to get a handle for future contests.


    nice green grass.

    //don’t need no stinking grey card. They are for noobs.


    Are you the gatekeeper?

    keys, that should be fun.


    wow search helped me answer my questions without starting a new thread :mrgreen:

    Scans are acceptable too aren’t they? I’ve got some old gelatin prints, and may go back to doing some film work in the future.

    //screw overmanipulation, Uelsmann was cool, but you aren’t him.

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