01-25-12 – Stoned

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 01-25-12 – Stoned

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  • #43385

    Bonus: they used one of my photos! First photo credit, sweet!

    Now you have your “iconic” photo for that thread 😆


    Also re vuprop, two things bug me about those photos. One, they look way better than mine and I’m jealous 👿 Two, those huge friggin watermarks ruin it for me. Way over-the-top IMO.


    Did anyone else notice they bumped the limit on filesize to 256K?

    NO… gkwhaiot4u2jh4gik32jrlk I had to really play with my settings on my 3/3 to get it under 160k and look non-fuzzy. Of all the phershlikital…


    Bonus: they used one of my photos! First photo credit, sweet!

    Now you have your “iconic” photo for that thread 😆

    Not my best work perhaps (but far FAR from my worst), but yeah, certainly the most “famous” in terms of eyeballs 😯


    (IE, I have an ever-growing set of cokin filters)

    What filters do you find most helpful in this age of digital photography?

    I’ve got a cokin system also, and I’ve only got about 8-10, some of which I’ve abandoned using due to the magic of Photoshop (Speed filter, for example). I’ve had the filters and rack since my Pentax K1000 (OK… who’s nostalgia meters did I just trigger?).
    I’ve found that there’s only a few that I end up using anything like regularly, and others are money ill-spent.

    I use various GND, and ND filters, and I’ve been looking at a CPOL for my cokin system. That’s basically all I use whether I’m shooting film or digital. I try to keep post processing to a minimum, and unless I really want to get into B&W shooting, I’m not going to go for any of the wild colors, which just look strange to me when used on a color shot (even the color grad ones).


    Regarding vuprop as I asked in thread, his third entry is almost certainly select desaturation in post processing of the foreground – but could be done with a graduated red filter. We even own one. Regardless of the post they’re still great entries. I agree with others though – the huge watermark is probably hurting him in votes. Looking at his historical file on Bibliostats, he’s a semi-semi-regular contributor and used to use a smaller one.


    I saw that question and answer. I agree that #3 looks nearly completely desaturated in the foreground. I think any more ‘calling out’ without hard proof could do more harm than good. Plus, I might be wrong.

    /damn cool image though!


    Also re vuprop, two things bug me about those photos. One, they look way better than mine and I’m jealous 👿 Two, those huge friggin watermarks ruin it for me. Way over-the-top IMO.

    Agreed completely. I won’t vote for them because it seems to me he is just advertizing.
    On a side note I wish I could convince any of my friends to visit Fark and vote on these contests. I might get a few more votes that way. Or is it just that my photos actually suck and no one will tell me?


    Good call on the graduated ND filter, Kestrana and orionid. Glad vuprop clarified that.

    I’m glad for the file size bump…I’ve been keeping my file sizes at or under 100k for years, and with some pictures (especially foliage), that’s really hard to do.

    And lokisbong: I don’t think your photos suck–I’ve thrown lots of votes your way, and have seen a lot of growth in the years you’ve been here.


    Thank you Elsinore. It just gets kinda aggravating when I have a total of 8 votes.
    So why would you vuprop put a watermark you can see from orbit on those shots? It seems to me they would be even more awe inspiring without the HUGE advertizement on each one.


    Also, I love that first shot by aspidites, but it looked a little like it had some HDR haloing around the mountains, and the sky brightness matches the reflection sky very closely. Hopefully he can clarify.


    Thank you Elsinore. It just gets kinda aggravating when I have a total of 8 votes.
    So why would you vuprop put a watermark you can see from orbit on those shots? It seems to me they would be even more awe inspiring without the HUGE advertizement on each one.

    lol yeah, this is not a good week for me, so I can relate!

    Not sure about the watermark. At one time we had something in the rules about watermarks being small, but I think that got removed in the rules revamp of 2008.


    Also re vuprop, two things bug me about those photos. One, they look way better than mine and I’m jealous 👿 Two, those huge friggin watermarks ruin it for me. Way over-the-top IMO.

    Agreed completely. I won’t vote for them because it seems to me he is just advertizing.
    On a side note I wish I could convince any of my friends to visit Fark and vote on these contests. I might get a few more votes that way. Or is it just that my photos actually suck and no one will tell me?

    Hey Loki,

    We all have photos that suck, my keeper rate is likely < 10% and that's on an "I tried to get the shot" basis not a "shutter click" basis. If I was counting shutter clicks it would likely be < 1%.

    I am not soap boxing here, understanding another person’s life is impossible for anyone. It seems like you might be up against a few challenges, but you have one HUGE advantage that I (and probably many of us) would kill for,… location. You are 100 miles from Yosemite and maybe a couple hundred from the Grand Canyon. I would KILL to have that kind of access. For me, that is only going to happen a hand full of times in my life (unless I win the lottery).

    I lived in southern Idaho and western Washington when I was young and had little to my name. I got out to Yellowstone, the Tetons and pretty much anywhere in WA every chance I could. Did I say that I would KILL for your access?

    Anyways, hope some perspective helps.

    Gratuitous Red Green:

    “Remember, I’m pulling for ya. We’re all in this together”

    “When you feel like a toad on the highway of life… and everyone seems like a steel-belted radial… when you’re lying there squished in an assortment of bodily fluids… at least you left your mark”


    Is it just me, or are some of the funniest not meant to be funny? I wonder if some voters hit the wrong category.


    Is it just me, or are some of the funniest not meant to be funny? I wonder if some voters hit the wrong category.

    Yeah I noticed that too. Aspidites’ Yosemite (unsure if that is correct, never been there). Funny?

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