07-28-10 – Dirty Pictures

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 07-28-10 – Dirty Pictures

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  • #30071

    Whoops, sorry about that. It’s fixed now.

    ETA: Schnee has stats that track average number of Farktographers and entries:

    As well as total votes per theme:

    Makes for interesting reading.


    Also, I can’t help but notice the last couple of contests haven’t brought in a lot of votes in general, not just for my lame efforts.

    Last couple months. Like 12. Don’t know why.

    No cat or baby themes.


    Whoops, sorry about that. It’s fixed now.

    ETA: Schnee has stats that track average number of Farktographers and entries:

    As well as total votes per theme:

    Makes for interesting reading.

    It sort of looks random at first glance.

    Maybe the vote whoring theme can be bumped up a bit, or find out what the trend was with the popular ones and have more of those contests. Either that or we just do this because it’s fun.

    It’s most likely because it’s summer and people are on vacation, or spending time outside.


    Whoops, sorry about that. It’s fixed now.

    ETA: Schnee has stats that track average number of Farktographers and entries:

    As well as total votes per theme:

    Makes for interesting reading.

    So I am FOS. Nothing new. 😉


    Encourage your friends and families to play also. The more players the more votes.


    Thoughts on these latest comments:

    It’s hard to gauge the graphs when x/5 theme titles get ‘squished’ out of the image due to the # of contests and the width of the graph.

    Earlier contests were easier: ‘Blue’ is easier than ‘These Foolish Games’; ‘Self Portraits’ more clearly defined than ‘Our Bodies, Ourselves’

    I can’t help but think the late change in the theme title this week hurt; “That’s Just Filthy” is more encompassing than “Dirty Pictures”. I know in my voting, I am looking for really ‘dirty’ shots; a messy kitchen or cluttered garage or workbench isn’t ‘dirty’–it’s just a disorganized mess. Did people decide not to post images because of that? Or decide not to include one or another shot (I know I changed my entries accordingly–who out there who doesn’t read the forum religiously decided not to post, or thought they misread something earlier?) Those who did post such images–aren’t doing well, overall, and may be discouraged by that.

    It probably didn’t help with the contest posting snafoo–these things happen, of course, but perhaps a few didn’t find the link…the casual contributors.

    Chaos theory say’s not every contest will be as popular as another.

    Puddytats, and other ‘awe, gee’ themes, are more likely to be shared and linked to among family and friends than stuff like monuments and skylines.

    There’s a ga-zillion reasons why the contests might not be as popular as they were, or just may not seem so. For me, I’m here to stretch my boundaries, as a compositional photographer and as a technically adept one (or so I hope to be one day). It probably comes down to ‘what does Farktography want to achieve’ which can be summed up in ‘what group is our target audience’ and ‘how among Fark’s audience can we capture them and keep them.’

    Neither question is easy to answer.

    No offense to the top-contributors, but to a casual “gee, I think this is a good shot with my p+s camera” contributor, it doesn’t help that we happen to have some really most-excellent (“Station!!”) photographers, who’s shots nearly always blow away the casual competition. There’s the occasional fluke, but most people probably give up the ghost as hopeless. If I weren’t so damned stubborn and certain that I really CAN take these kinds of pictures (and I’m faring well this week, thus far), I’da given up long ago. Lord knows I’ve had moments of frustration where I’ve felt like doing so.

    Just thoughts, from a 6th-months-in farktography student, who keeps hoping to improve my GPA.


    Casual farktographers are people who only play if they have a photo already taken that fits the theme and I think this year we’ve had a lot of themes that required more preparation. The last two themes with around 100 unique participants were Skylines and Sunrise, Sunset – both subjects it’s likely that everyone has taken a picture of, that they like, at some point in their life. We have quite a few themes coming up, in the hopper or reached critical mass on the forum with very broad subject matter – trees, vote-whoring, volcanos/mountains/waterfalls, classic teh funnayer, waterscapes, classic green, fish – to test and see whether there’s higher participation in a more general contest.

    But since I’ve been spending a lot of time in the FSM for the farktography book, it did occur to me that it could be fun to do a “Year of Classics” next year. Go back to the beginning and do our favorite 50 themes over again. Also, if we can get the book going, the publicity it will generate is almost sure to increase participation since if it turns out well, we could potentially make another one.


    Chaos theory aside, there’s no doubt that Farktography as a whole is in a slump. The over time graph shows a steady trend of more weiners than boobies – indicative of a decline. Indeed, going through the numbers shows that we haven’t had a contest with more boobies than weiners since October. In the last year, there have been three, and only two more where the numbers are equal. That means that in all but five of the last fifty-two contests – or slightly more than 90% – there have been more people leaving farktography than joining. I think Kes is right that there will be a sharp spike in participants once the book goes out, and that the upcoming string of “simpler” themes could be a good litmus test to see if the nature of the themes affects the sway of participation.

    I haven’t done the math on votes yet, but I have been saying for about a year that votes seem down from when I started participating. I’ve been trying to at least breathe a little life into it by drafting my friends, or at least convincing them to vote every week, but it’s been slow and most have only done one or two submissions.


    Whoops, sorry about that. It’s fixed now.

    ETA: Schnee has stats that track average number of Farktographers and entries:

    As well as total votes per theme:

    Makes for interesting reading.

    So I am FOS. Nothing new. 😉

    Not entirely. There is a downward trend in participants. It just stretches back longer than a year, unfortunately 🙁 What others have said about the casual folks boosting the numbers when they have something they’ve already taken is a good point. On the Active Farktographer’s list, there are about 40 of us in the top two levels of activity, though that can be a bit misleading when someone had a long stretch of inactivity then becomes more active and they still count as less active currently than they are.

    The Boobies/Wieners stat has been flipped with Wieners greater than Boobies for a loooooooong time–back to my Farktography infancy–but I’m not entirely certain that means Farktography itself is in decline. We’ve always had a core of very active participants with a good bunch of folks that participate more often than not, then a bunch of more casual folks who only post once or rarely here and there. Looking at the votes graph that looks semi-random, there is a pattern to it, and I do wonder if the lower places correspond to summers, but I don’t have the time at the moment to chart that out.

    I do also think our theme choices influence things. It stands to reason that themes that lend themselves to casual folks participating (e.g. very general themes that almost anyone would have a qualifying photo for) will get more traffic and participation. I don’t think that means we should limit ourselves to such themes entirely, but it’s something to keep in mind.

    So ultimately, I’ve had this thought in the back of my mind that Farktography has lost participation, and to some extent it has. I’m not alarmed (yet), but it wouldn’t be bad for us to keep this in mind, especially if participation doesn’t pick up in the fall. But I don’t think we’re doomed at this point. We aren’t AudioEdit or VideoEdit ya know 😆


    Also, I’d really appreciate it if Flickr would stop fuxx0ring my hosting on Thursdays. I’ve had pictures dropped every week the last 3 weeks I think. So much for their solid hosting 😛


    I’d like to posit that the themes are also getting a little too “inside baseball”, in the sense that we really seem to be trying to hard to make things tricky and sometimes a little exclusive: Running From Camera, Color Popping, any of the HDR themes, Black, White, and Grey all over as examples.

    I don’t mind the idea of stretching our abilities, but I don’t think we should do it to the extent that we:

    a) discourage casual participants

    b) raise the difficulty level to where not everyone can participate.

    I’ve become discouraged lately, thinking that there are so many rules to some of the contests, that I don’t want to have to justify an entry, and I know better. It’s a perception thing.

    Put yourself in the position of someone who’s a little shy, maybe not a joiner, and looking into Farktography. Some of our contest themes lately might seem a little off-putting to someone like that.

    I’m just saying.


    Maybe Fark in general is losing some popularity?
    It’s hard to keep folks coming back when there always seems to be some new, shiny thing on the net to check out.
    I’ve tried to get others to join up, but so far they are content to lurk.


    Just a note; weekly for a couple months I post on my facebook for people to come over to the contest. Results so far: 23 times have people done so (my friends list is about 160). So much for that.


    Maybe Fark in general is losing some popularity?
    It’s hard to keep folks coming back when there always seems to be some new, shiny thing on the net to check out.
    I’ve tried to get others to join up, but so far they are content to lurk.

    There is a lot of truth in this. Slumping vote totals is a regular conversation over the PSAEF (Photoshop forum). Fark goes through up down cycles in participation. People breeze in for a few months and then breeze on out. In the four years I’ve been Farking the strongest Farkers are part of a “group” PShopper, Farktographers, TFDers, who keep the wheels turning until the next group shows up for a while. It will pick up, we just have to wait for the next wave of Nerds to mature.


    Shiitttt, I’m an Elite Farktographer…when did that happen?

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