08-25-10 – The Book of Armaments

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 08-25-10 – The Book of Armaments

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  • #31508

    While that is a fine fine FINE collection of man ass, any crack is too much crack for Fark. At least inline.


    Elsinore, Schmelsinore, I say it’s a go-fer!

    Of course, my opinion may be bi-assed.

    I knew you would like it =)

    Why haven’t you introduced me to *these* Navy friends?

    Well…. From right to left: 1) man-whore, stayed in Norfolk. 2) married, moved to Guam. 3) Criminal/problem child. Haven’t seen him since he got arrested in Spain for drunken brawling.


    Well…. From right to left: 1) man-whore, stayed in Norfolk.

    That’s the one. Send me his FB addy?


    Well…. From right to left: 1) man-whore, stayed in Norfolk.

    That’s the one. Send me his FB addy?

    I’d have to agree with this. What a perfect ass that man has.


    I love it when you guys make me dig through the archives for something silly and stumble across other forgotten silliness. Which brings up a question. Elsinore, would this be too much man-crack for fark?

    Submarine weapons of ass destruction (mildly nsfw? if you work with prudes)

    You know, it is things like this that makes the rest of the services tell jokes about you guys! 🙂

    /ex-AF Zoomie


    Tonight really pushed me back into the archives, the newest picture in the set is fourteen years old.

    /get off my lawn


    Yeah I am using archive shot for 2 of mine and one I got a few weeks ago. didn’t like the Lego attempts.


    One image that I had wanted to use is buried so deep in the archives that I can’t even find it.


    You know, it is things like this that makes the rest of the services tell jokes about you guys! 🙂

    This coming from the chair force?


    Tonight really pushed me back into the archives, the newest picture in the set is fourteen years old.

    While I had plenty of archives to choose from (and a difficult time choosing, as always), this will be the first contest in which one of my entries was composed specifically for the contest.

    I didn’t really have time to do this, but y’all have shamed me into it. I hope you’re all pleased with yourselves! 🙂


    You know, it is things like this that makes the rest of the services tell jokes about you guys! 🙂

    This coming from the chair force?

    Yup, I was a fearless chair pilot, suffering with air conditioning and cable TV for ten long years. 8)


    I only have one picture I’m using. Got the shot I wanted yesterday (Hubby’s in it, too. 🙂 ) and well, the rest just seemed redundant, so I’m playing light. I hope it gets a few votes.


    I’ve got nothing for this contest. I might get inspired after the tot goes to bed, but right now I have no ideas.


    I’ve got nothing for this contest. I might get inspired after the tot goes to bed, but right now I have no ideas.

    You have tots? Then you have stuffed animoos. Hold one hostage at knifepoint. 😉

    My entries were all going to be weak till I got inspired by Don Henley. Now only two will be weak.


    So apparently my computer’s clock is 2 minutes faster than Farkistan time. Sorry about that.
    Linky: http://www.fark.com/cgi/comments.pl?IDLink=5577392


    hey Elsinore if you want to delete that first post of mine, feel free. I hit the button to post w/out preview and the image was too big so it just posted the caption.

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