10-13-10 – Fish

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    Didn’t feel much for this contest, unfortunately. But one can’t be thrilled with all themes, I suppose.

    The nearest aquarium to here is a 90-mile drive so gas plus admission for two (and I’m sure that’s more than $20 a piece).

    I think the tilapia cost around $3 or $4, and was a whole lot more fun. Especially threatening the kids.


    Didn’t feel much for this contest, unfortunately. But one can’t be thrilled with all themes, I suppose.

    I wasn’t loving this one or last week’s. However, a week at the beach has netted me quite a few shots for future themes so I’ve got that going for me.


    My only worthwhile b-side. I love this shot of my mother in law’s cat but decided to save this one for another contest.


    The family is going to the aquarium tomorrow. It will be too late for this contest, but any advice on shooting in such an environment would be appreciated.

    I LOVE the cat pic, very nice!

    As for the aquarium shooting, I’ve read that you should stand at an angle and if you have a polarizing filter it should help with the reflections.


    Okay, U-Man, The frog-gulp was pretty cool, but I’m going to have to admit that I was expecting to see the stereotypical Field and Stream cover-worthy Bigmouth-breaking-the-surface-to-snag-a-spinner shot.

    Heh. If my memory is correct, those F&S covers showing the action shots of fish are paintings. My brain can’t even get around how difficult that would be to capture photographically.

    /cue the I-told-you-so photo link in 3…2…1…



    Hey orionid, my little one just commented on my avatar. Who is that musician that uses the line-dude in his videos?


    I’ve seen one actual photo like that (and a bunch of paintings). I don’t have the link. It was in a how-to fishing book at the W-mart.

    and the artist is Gigi D’Agostino.

    ….and now there’s an idea for “the song….”


    Whales and dolphins are mammals, so no.

    Yea I wasn’t gonna use it anyway…I was just fishing through the archives.

    Ha! See what I did there!


    Okay, U-Man, The frog-gulp was pretty cool, but I’m going to have to admit that I was expecting to see the stereotypical Field and Stream cover-worthy Bigmouth-breaking-the-surface-to-snag-a-spinner shot.

    Heh. If my memory is correct, those F&S covers showing the action shots of fish are paintings. My brain can’t even get around how difficult that would be to capture photographically.

    /cue the I-told-you-so photo link in 3…2…1…


    I tried for that kind of shot, it takes a lot of patience to shoot salmon swimming upstream. I spent 4 hours over 2 very chilly mornings waiting for that kind of shot. I got maybe 15 pics, and only 1-2 are good (in focus, recognizable as a fish, etc). Since I’m not a TFer you’ll have to wait to see it.


    I tried for that kind of shot, it takes a lot of patience to shoot salmon swimming upstream. I spent 4 hours over 2 very chilly mornings waiting for that kind of shot. I got maybe 15 pics, and only 1-2 are good (in focus, recognizable as a fish, etc). Since I’m not a TFer you’ll have to wait to see it.

    The chinook don’t start running until next month here. It seems like there’s some good vantage points at the hatchery, but I don’t know how crowded it’ll be. Gonna try tho.


    I think the tilapia cost around $3 or $4, and was a whole lot more fun. Especially threatening the kids.

    LOL Kat looks less than thrilled to be holding the fish in the fish slap pic.
    That fish head soup looks yummy BTW … not really but great shot!


    … I was expecting to see the stereotypical Field and Stream cover-worthy Bigmouth-breaking-the-surface-to-snag-a-spinner shot.

    oi_piss_me_off 2010-10-13 10:45:14 PM

    There you go!


    LOL Kat looks less than thrilled to be holding the fish in the fish slap pic.
    That fish head soup looks yummy BTW … not really but great shot!

    Thanks 🙂 She was actually trying really hard not to laugh. Back story: The kids were being really rambunctious – pretty much getting out of control – so I literally yelled out of desperation: “don’t MAKE me get the fish!”. They stopped and asked “what?!?”, so I replied, “I have a fish, and I’m not afraid to use it!”.

    Well, they were still carrying on, so I called them into the back yard, gave Kat the fish, and started taking pictures.
    (didn’t hit them with it, but they were so derailed that it worked)

    The soup one I *had* to take. I’ve had that damn song stuck in my head since the contest was announced 😕


    Oh. And here’s a true fish story. –

    This pike was caught by my daughter; ice fishing with a sucker. It’s a nice fish and pike are really tasty so we kept it and cleaned it. If any of you have ever cleaned some fish with the kids watching, you’ll know that they always want you to cut open the stomach and see what is in there. (or maybe I have gross kids and nephews…or maybe I’m gross for teaching them this disgusting trick) Whatever. We cleaned this fish about 30-45 minutes after catching it. On the kitchen counter. After taking the sucker out of the stomach, one of the kids noticed that it’s gills were moving. We put it in a bowl of water and it was, like, totally fine!

    Then he ran out of oxygen before morning and wasn’t fine anymore. Bummer. True story though. Mopsy can verify.


    that’s awesome. bummer it didn’t make it.

    When I was a kid, I used to go fishing in the local creek in FL. You really, really wouldn’t want to eat anything you caught there, so I would sometimes bring my catch home in a bucket.

    Our fish tank had a bream, a catfish, and a small-ish large mouth bass. Anything else was just food.

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