Let’s Publish a Coffee Table Book.

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    Anyone know if any of these people’s fark handles match up to a different user on farktography.net or want to claim them (sorry if I don’t know who you are)?

    New Age Redneck
    Queen Mab


    Ok here are the questions I asked and Drew’s responses, we can decide where we want to go from here:

    Kes: First about the licensing aspect of photographs. It was suggested that as part of the TOS for fark, one released certain rights to the picture by posting it, but clarification is necessary. The last topic of discussion was making it a “2009” edition using top 10s and other images as vetted by the Farktography forum as some of the older contributors have disappeared and may be difficult to track down if we actually need to solicit permission from the individual photographers.

    Drew: I can assign the farktog mod to locating those people. If we can’t find em we can’t use it, if we can we need permission.

    Just going back and catching up, but this caught my eye and I wanted to clarify. It became a huge deal a few years ago when the Fark TOS got revamped in lawyer speak in places, and some of those places suggested that we give up our rights to Fark when we post our photos and/or photoshops, etc. The TOS was tweaked and Drew posted something about it saying that was the complete opposite of his intent, and he’d never claim ownership or copyright to our photos. Sooo yeah.

    Also, I’m sure you’re working with Joe and Drew on this, and Joe will probably be all over it, but we need to be sure in the legalese that we’re not giving up copyright, only licensing the photos for this project/book.


    Anyone know if any of these people’s fark handles match up to a different user on farktography.net or want to claim them (sorry if I don’t know who you are)?

    New Age Redneck
    Queen Mab

    dompydude is nuzzlingnomes on Flickr and on here. southernbelladonna is on Flickr, and I *think* that’s her name there, too.


    Also also wik, if you PM’d chakalakasp on here earlier, it apparently bounced on his email. I got a message saying he received a pm and had chosen to be emailed when that happened, but the email bounced because his email is no longer working. However, his Flickr is here:


    The legal form that was included in the email only licenses the picture for this publication and any related materials only. The photographer retains the copyright to the image and can license the photo to anything else without restriction. I sent it to both Drew and Joe and neither of them had any corrections on it.

    I did PM a lot of people on here but I will follow up the leads you have posted to try to get in contact with those people. I’m sure I’ll have to give a list to Drew but I’m trying to make it as short as possible.


    Hey, yeah, my email has changed. Gotta get that fixed. 🙂 Let me look back into the thread and see which pics exactly you guys are after — so long as none of them are being handled by an exclusive agency (Getty is a serious hardass with their contracts), I don’t mind contributing to the book. Will get back to with a yay or nay for each image.



    And as promised a .pdf of the initial layout that I put together with input from Joe
    I ganked all the images from the FSM or the contest threads and am just using this for planning purposes and the text on the cover is just temporary. Of course if you don’t give us permission for a picture it won’t be used.



    Kestrana; I’m up-to-date with Acrobat (in fact, just updated) and I’m having problems viewing the setup.

    Anyone else, or is it just me?


    Worked fine for me in Chrome and Firefox but I did reupload the file, you probably hit it right in the middle. Try again.


    Okay, gave it a look-over. Path Less Taken 15 is okay, HDR 4 is okay to use. Definitely don’t use HDR 5; I can’t protect you from Getty’s lawyers. 🙂

    If you guys need high resolution versions (most likely you will), just give me a holler at digicana@gmail.com (or PM here, I changed my profile email addy so it should go through now).

    Note that there is no property release for the HDR 4 shot, though I do have a release for the model. Not sure how picky your publisher is on such things.


    Ooooh this looks nice! Very excited to be included. Btw will be sending the email back shortly. I just have to track down a couple of the hi-res copies.

    Thanks again SO MUCH for all of the work on this.


    The legal form that was included in the email only licenses the picture for this publication and any related materials only. The photographer retains the copyright to the image and can license the photo to anything else without restriction. I sent it to both Drew and Joe and neither of them had any corrections on it.

    I did PM a lot of people on here but I will follow up the leads you have posted to try to get in contact with those people. I’m sure I’ll have to give a list to Drew but I’m trying to make it as short as possible.

    Good deal. Also, I may be able to find some more of those folks for you; those were just the ones I knew off the top of my head. I’ll look into the others in the next day or so.


    Thanks for the inclusion 🙂 I will get my forms and photos to you asap. I started on page 8 & will go back and check the first 8 pages, but I’m assuming this will be done via a self publishing company? Also, if a picture chosen for the book has people in it, do you need a release form from those people? Mine would be easy enough to get since it’s my nephew, but I wanted to mention it for anyone else who may have shots with people in them…



    And as promised a .pdf of the initial layout that I put together with input from Joe
    I ganked all the images from the FSM or the contest threads and am just using this for planning purposes and the text on the cover is just temporary. Of course if you don’t give us permission for a picture it won’t be used.


    Looks good. I would suggest reworking the copyright notice. Saying it’s copyright to you, Drew Curtis, and Fark suggests you, Drew, and Fark own the photo copyrights, which obviously isn’t the case. I think it would probably be worded along the lines of “text copyright Kestrana, Drew, and Fark. All photos copyright their respective photographers who reserve all rights.”

    You may or may also want/need a separate page at the back of the book listing the photos/titles/photographers for copyright notice. I’ve seen that in coffee table type books, but Joe would probably know more about that.


    Okay, gave it a look-over. Path Less Taken 15 is okay, HDR 4 is okay to use. Definitely don’t use HDR 5; I can’t protect you from Getty’s lawyers. 🙂

    If you guys need high resolution versions (most likely you will), just give me a holler at digicana@gmail.com (or PM here, I changed my profile email addy so it should go through now).

    Note that there is no property release for the HDR 4 shot, though I do have a release for the model. Not sure how picky your publisher is on such things.

    I sent you a PM on flickr so I will send you the form to the listed email. I doubt there will be an issue with the property release but I’ll check to make sure.

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