02-08-12 – Apples vs. Oranges 2: The Rematch

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 02-08-12 – Apples vs. Oranges 2: The Rematch

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  • #43696

    Already a lot of fantastic entries!


    I know comments like this are taboo in-thread with PSers, so I’ll just save trouble and say it over here:

    Coexist FTW.


    Already a lot of fantastic entries!

    I really liked your chess series. That was one idea I wanted to play with but didn’t get to. Turns out it’s still too early in the year for walmart to carry the big beach-blanket chess/checkers sets. Or I’m just not near enough to a beach.


    😆 Farktographer, what does it say about us that we both had the torture-prisoner-of-war idea? I blame TV. Or maybe it was those three tours in Da Nang (and all the chemicals ingested along the way) 😯 ]


    Thanks, I wanted to put more time into the pieces, but time was limited to get everything done before the cut apple pieces started turning color. Just glad the napkins were approximately the right size to cover the coffee table for the board. I’d also considered doing a battle scene with the Smirnoff bottles as canons on each side.


    I know comments like this are taboo in-thread with PSers, so I’ll just save trouble and say it over here:

    Coexist FTW.

    Thanks O. That’s the one that came out of the camera like it looked in my head. But I’m saying right now, there are several already that I wouldn’t feel the least bit bad placing behind. I’m really impressed so far. From memory, I think that, as a group, we’re kicking the prior A vs O themes right in the nads.


    Already a lot of fantastic entries!

    This is already shaping up to be a worthy sequel to one of the best contests we’ve ever had.


    I gotta give you guys props–because apparently, you will take them and make really cool pictures. I dig all the shots with mini weapons. On monday I tried to see if Dollarama had any bags of weapons, or maybe really cheap action figures with fruit-sized weaponry. I had to settle for an assortment of googly-eyes. At no point, until I saw the thread tonight, did it occur to me to take a pen and draw faces on. That sound you hear now is me banging my head against the wall.


    ZE, I thought the same thing about drawing faces on. Mine are bland and boring, but they were what I had for ideas so I went with it.


    ZE, I thought the same thing about drawing faces on. Mine are bland and boring, but they were what I had for ideas so I went with it.

    Don’t be so hard on yourself, CD. Your ideas were good, and your pics are not boring. They certainly fit right in with the rest of the entries. Will the voters love them? I honestly have no idea, but they may surprise you–I know they surprise me all the time 😕

    The way I look at it, its not about whether I succeed or fail. Everbody makes mistakes, everybody fails. Everybody poops too, but that’s not important right now. What is important, is how one reacts to those failures. Instead of saying “I did not succeed”, I try to think more optimistically: “I did not succeed, this time … but I will do better next time because of what I learned.”


    I kinda Skyrimed out on 8 pm but mine are up now, and there is so much win in this thread. Although I’m also kinda disturbed what some of you have laying around the house.


    I gotta give you guys props–because apparently, you will take them and make really cool pictures. I dig all the shots with mini weapons. On monday I tried to see if Dollarama had any bags of weapons, or maybe really cheap action figures with fruit-sized weaponry. I had to settle for an assortment of googly-eyes. At no point, until I saw the thread tonight, did it occur to me to take a pen and draw faces on. That sound you hear now is me banging my head against the wall.

    I was really fortunate to get my Dollar store’s last 3 inch AR-15.

    /Not a sentence I could have ever predicted writing.


    I was really fortunate to get my Dollar store’s last 3 inch AR-15.

    /Not a sentence I could have ever predicted writing.

    How did you do the streams of juice coming out of the ventilated orange? That really blew me away (pun intended).


    And what’s up with a credit check for internet service?

    Would you sell crack to someone you knew couldn’t pay for their habit? 😉

    If you find you need an OBO tomorrow, just PM me the details and I’ll get ’em posted for you.

    I wouldn’t sell crack to someone without cash up front, and likewise the internet service is billed in advance, and unlikewise internet service can be cut off with the push off a button while crack is cash and carry.

    Back on subject, (complements of university wi-fi) this week’s entries are great, both in concepts and executions. I may have spoke too soon about cleaning up. I will say that I think my ideas stand apart from most, as my competitions are of a relatively friendly nature.

    And, I’m ready for the upcoming food theme.

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