The Hopper: Themes to be Scheduled

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    Yeah I noticed that. Oh well I can just post when I add stuff.


    Yeah that works either way. I appreciate your help!


    No problem. Happy to do it!


    So after “Song remains the same”, “Optimus prime” is next, then “Urban art”, and so on? Or do the classics fit in there somewhere 😕


    It’s not quite that cut and dried. Themes with more votes and/or lots of fast votes tend to get priority, but themes that have been waiting awhile also factor in. And I try to keep things mixed up between more specific, more open-ended, and theme suggester with a classic theme thrown in every 6 weeks or so. For December, we’ll do the Season’s Greetings cards as always, so that’ll be the classic theme for the month. But anything in the hopper will be scheduled.

    Though that brings me to a point I wanted to bring up. Pangolyn’s “Nothing” theme has been in there for awhile, and admittedly, I’ve been avoiding it. In this case, it has the votes to be scheduled, however, from a modly perspective, I really don’t think that theme would draw much in the way of interest, participation, or votes. There are many other more interesting themes in the hopper and on the themes page. I’ve pushed the theme suggestion stuff to be more community driven and consensus based, but I’d really like to veto that one. Any thoughts?


    I don’t have a problem dropping it. I got nothing for it anyway
    /see what I did there!


    I don’t have a problem dropping it. I got nothing for it anyway
    /see what I did there!

    I see what you did there!

    I’m fine with dropping it FWIW.


    I’m generally not in favor of dropping contests that have hit the vote level, but we’ve got a lot of stuff in the hopper as it is, and no one seems to have been clamoring to get this one scheduled. I’d be okay dropping it too.


    I kind of want to do this, but I like the esoteric stuff. That said, given the whole of farktography, I’m good with dropping it.


    Re: ‘Nothing’, I really wanted to do this one (I had one in the hopper, even), but I can see the point about drawing interest, and we’re certainly not having any shortage in the theme suggestion department that active farktographers are ‘liking’.

    That being said, here’s the hopper’d one, just so I don’t feel I wasted the shot:

    Maybe I’ll find another contest with which to use it…


    A couple of mentions of the Hopper being full has me wondering:
    1. How far out can contests be scheduled, and
    2. Must it be the day of the last scheduled contest before filling it up again?

    Granted, I’m well aware there are lives outside of Farktography and those take precedence. With the abundance of contest ideas already reaching the vote level required, can more be scheduled ahead than normal to accommodate or is that generally a bad idea? Not trying to tell anyone how to do their job at all, just curious as to the inner workings.


    Granted, I’m well aware there are lives outside of Farktography and those take precedence.

    Bite your tongue, you heathen! 😯



    The main advantage to not scheduling more than 5 or so weeks in advance is that if someone suggests a theme thats popular but goes with a specific time of year we can get it scheduled at least close to that time of year. If we scheduled 10 weeks in advance and someone came up with a really good winter contest now it might not be until spring that we could fit it in without rescheduling.


    ^^ This. I’ve run into that a couple times. It used to be that themes just got scheduled according to mod discussions and preferences. It’s now based on consensus and theme popularity, and themes with a lot of quick interest are bumped up in the ranks. I’ve increased the display number so we can schedule 8 or 10, but I generally schedule 6-8. That said, I really need to get into a better habit of keeping it filled rather than letting it run down to a couple then scheduling more.


    Reorganized the Hopper some with a section for fast/immediate votes then by the vote totals. As always, scheduling continues to be a mix of community interest, scheduling requirements (e.g. seasonal themes), theme suggester, and classic themes. Working on the schedule now…

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