01-12-11 – Five is Right Out

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    Uranus, my eyes can’t convince my brain that those are three pillars and not two raised backlit panels. I don’t know if you were going for optical illusion, but you succeeded with me, anyway.


    I don’t have a problem with it. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, must be a duck… It’s an image captured with an image capturing device. That is a photograph as far as I’m concerned.


    Oh, and on the topic at hand, I say Error stays this week, and my 2 cents into the scanner photo discussion is draw that fuzzy zig-zag line. My heart wants to say a scanner as it stands isn’t a camera, but then again, I’ve sumbled across things on flickr, devianta art, and a couple other sites where things like shoes were used to take photos.

    Honestly, I could argue this either way, but my gut feel is that if the scanner is used as a camera (whether modified or not, I’ve seen interesting portraits done on scanner alone), then it’s kosher. But just laying stuff down on the flatbed and hitting “go,” not so much.


    You know what that means … by this time next week Orionid will have one

    FWIW, though, It’ll be a while. Too many projects on the shelf already, even photo-wise, I want to make a film slit-scan and an anamorphic pinhole before anything digital, I need to finish my pinhole/zoneplate/slit cigar-box lens, and I need to clean the lenses in the antique cameras I gave Kestrana for christmas. Then I need to convert her Landcam over to 120, and convert the J66 my uncle gave me to dual 35mm.

    Then maybe I’ll make a scanner camera. 😉

    No, first you need to help me fix the Voigtlander so we can take the film out and I can use it again, and then develop that roll and the roll I took yesterday with the Agfa. 😀

    /and also take out the trash.
    //I can hear the “yes dear, of course dear, right away dear” from here


    Oh, and on the topic at hand, I say Error stays this week, and my 2 cents into the scanner photo discussion is draw that fuzzy zig-zag line. My heart wants to say a scanner as it stands isn’t a camera, but then again, I’ve sumbled across things on flickr, devianta art, and a couple other sites where things like shoes were used to take photos.

    Honestly, I could argue this either way, but my gut feel is that if the scanner is used as a camera (whether modified or not, I’ve seen interesting portraits done on scanner alone), then it’s kosher. But just laying stuff down on the flatbed and hitting “go,” not so much.

    I’ll buy that rule.

    Considering how long ago we even had that discussion, and this is the first time it’s ‘actually’ come up, I don’t think it’s really going to be a problem either way.


    I think ultimately I’m ok with it if used as a camera/for photography as opposed to being used as a document copier. Maybe the line is 3d subjects vs 2d subjects? Of course, as mentioned in the original discussion, we can easily use our actual cameras to “copy” 2d subjects like paintings, or ravnostic’s origami paper comes to mind. I guess it’s more obviously photographic in nature if the subject is 3 dimensional, though.


    3D subjects is a very good place to draw the line. It elevates the process from being copying to… something else.


    Uranus, my eyes can’t convince my brain that those are three pillars and not two raised backlit panels. I don’t know if you were going for optical illusion, but you succeeded with me, anyway.

    glad you like it…it’s actually part of the central subway station in Rotterdam. When my kid surrenders the main PC ( inevitably the one with World of Wankcraft on it has my archive as well 😆 ) I’ll put up another angle for you that’ll put it in perspective.


    Some time later, and here you go :


    The rest of the station is pretty cool, too.


    I’ve made scans of wildflower arrangements, and I would consider them photographs. I certainly wasn’t copying documents.


    Hear, hear on the 3D rule! I think that is the way to go. Also, orionid when you do the Land Camera to 120 make sure you post some details. All of the conversions I’ve seen involve advancing the film in a darkbag which is possible just not very convenient.


    And since no one has said it yet; This thread’s going EPIC


    Error403 here. First, thank you all for your kind words and the votes. My intent here was only to present an image I had made for a Photo class I took a few years back. My wife suggested I put it up when she read the contest subject. Reading the back and forth here has been a lot of fun.
    I’m glad that there has been such interest in the relationship between camera and other forms of image capture. In fact, at that time I had planned to convert the scanner to a “camera” but was sidetracked by other concerns. Perhaps now would be a good time to dust off that old idea, however I’ll stop short of suggesting a scanner themed contest.
    Thanks again.


    Hear, hear on the 3D rule! I think that is the way to go. Also, orionid when you do the Land Camera to 120 make sure you post some details. All of the conversions I’ve seen involve advancing the film in a darkbag which is possible just not very convenient.

    I thought I already did. The Landcam I had in NYC was the first one I converted. I got another for Kestrana for Christmas with the promise of converting hers, too.


    Some Results:

    Ennuipoet, you may recognize the dude in the last one.


    I’ll stop short of suggesting a scanner themed contest.
    Thanks again.

    Good. Wait until I convert one, too. 😛

    Oh. And welcome!


    Error403 here.

    Welcome! It’s a lovely image. Hope to see more of your stuff in the contests.

    And since no one has said it yet; This thread’s going EPIC

    I noticed that today, too. Here it is graphically:

    The gray is the average of the past 11 contests, the red is the highest of those contests (Blur from 12/15 with 2277 votes) and the blue is where we are now. It’s looking to be, as you said, epic!

    And of course I’d pick this week to return to my mediocre ways. 🙄

    Edited to note: Oops, somehow the labels on the timeline axis got screwed up, so just ignore that part.

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