02-16-11 – Farktography Classic: Software Hootennany 2

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 02-16-11 – Farktography Classic: Software Hootennany 2

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    Actually, orionid answered better than I 😆


    Okay, now it’s my turn for silly questions. Elsinore you mentioned that canned textures are probably over the line, but by that, you’re referring to using an image or a shape to ‘wrap’ the picture around – like if you were to mold a picture onto a sphere, or someone’s face, for example – and not brush-type filters. Am I correct in this?

    I can link one of the shots I’m planning on using if I’m not being clear.


    Okay, now it’s my turn for silly questions. Elsinore you mentioned that canned textures are probably over the line, but by that, you’re referring to using an image or a shape to ‘wrap’ the picture around – like if you were to mold a picture onto a sphere, or someone’s face, for example – and not brush-type filters. Am I correct in this?

    I can link one of the shots I’m planning on using if I’m not being clear.

    Im not sure if Im happy you reminded me with this that I had another picture I may use for tonight that I forgot about or mad that I now have another picture I have cut down from to get down to 3.


    I’m actually heading out the door for dinner and a meeting, but wrapping/warping your own image into a shape should be fine. I guess what I’m getting at is using someone else’s picture elements to create textures/brushes that you then use on top of your own image. If it’s just something like adding a “grunge” texture that’s canned from PS, I’m not as concerned about that. But specifying parts of someone else’s picture to use to enhance your own is beyond that, to my way of thinking.


    Im not sure if Im happy you reminded me with this that I had another picture I may use for tonight that I forgot about or mad that I now have another picture I have cut down from to get down to 3.

    LOL. Well, unless I get some sudden inspiration tonight, I’ll have two, but I think they’re pretty decent (particularly since I’ve got at least three hours into each one). And, ironically, I’ve taken both shots within the last week.

    I’m actually heading out the door for dinner and a meeting, but wrapping/warping your own image into a shape should be fine. I guess what I’m getting at is using someone else’s picture elements to create textures/brushes that you then use on top of your own image. If it’s just something like adding a “grunge” texture that’s canned from PS, I’m not as concerned about that. But specifying parts of someone else’s picture to use to enhance your own is beyond that, to my way of thinking.

    Okay, I can totally buy into that. My paranoid brain was just telling me that one of my shots was no good, so I thought I’d ask 😛


    w00t–meeting was blissfully short. Glad that helped clear things up for you and hope that made sense to others as well!


    So there I was, about ten minutes ago, applying a topaz adjust layer to one of my shots. And I says to myself “Damn. That’s awesome. But definitely WAAAY too software-intensive.”

    I facepalmed only a split-second before hitting “undo”


    Why not? I’ve done similar things with fake HDR in the past. Or am I missing something?

    /I had to go and look it up


    Crap…It’s Wednesday already… off to the archives 🙁


    I’d post my b’s, but I just finished my last shot for the contest and I don’t have time to resize and such. Later, maybe.


    Linguine: I bow to your Heamerness! I miss those shops!

    It’s early, but the HDR’s aren’t that popular! A lot you dug into the filter kit, good for you! Lovely things in the thread. I might have done something along those lines, but I’ve been sitting on these three HDR’s for months waiting for the chance to use them.

    ETA: U-Man your yellow highlighter pic is well…I found some strange moisture in my eye…must be my contacts.


    Yeah, I’m not so sure about entering my HDR. Honestly, it may be too subtle. You guys really kicked it up a notch for this one!

    Contest linky: http://www.fark.com/comments/5966460/Theme-of-Farktography-Contest-No-302-Farktography-Classic-Software-Hootenanny-2-Details-rules-in-first-post-LGT-next-weeks-contest?startid=67001252


    LOL. You and I had the same idea, Els. Great minds think alike…


    I’d been sitting on about 30 HDR’s to choose from for the last five months. Yesterday, I decided I was going to go beyond HDR because I figured most of the field would be HDR.

    Then I made a simple little discovery while googling “CS4 kaleidoscope filter”


    olav: lol Yeah, I’d done those awhile back and originally intended to use them for last year’s Hootenanny but didn’t end up using them.

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