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  • #20940

    Thanks, but I think I’ll save those for another day.


    I have to say that my expectations for this theme were not real high, but what a great set of entries this week. I guess you should never underestimate tha power of Fark.


    Finding photos for this week’s contest was very entertaining and raised a couple of questions I hadn’t expected. First of all I quickly decided to make this a rummage through archives, since going out to intentionally take inept photos didn’t makes sense in my case. I can see how trying out new ideas, new equipment, new settings, etc… without thinking them through could work. But I have enough awful results from years of learning through mistakes that I could just edit from countless choices.

    Even then, deciding what makes a “good” bad photo was a challenge. There are so many ways an image can go wrong from bad composition, bad lighting/setting, accidents at just the wrong moment, bad choices for settings/lens, equipment/film malfunctions, etc… I wasn’t sure which route to take so I threw up (pun?) a wide range of miserable photos in a gallery and asked friends to laugh and point. Those replies have been lots of fun, so this contest is already a big win for me.

    Have a look at 59 shades of fail if you need a chuckle and post your own “almost but not quite bad enough” selections here if you had too many to pick from too.

    Choc-Ful-A, thanks for the inspiration. I’ve been doing a bit of rummaging myself.

    There is definitely a fine line between crappy with character and just pain ol’ crappy. I think I’ve settled on a few that make me chuckle (or at least say WTF).

    Looking forward to a truly bizarre contest this week.


    Hey, we could do any worse than Passive-Aggressive Notes.

    I say go for it and count me in.

    Umm, COULDN’T that is.


    Hey, we could do any worse than Passive-Aggressive Notes.

    I say go for it and count me in.

    Elsinore wrote:

    What do you think folks? Butterflyish enough? Haven’t a clue what it is, but it eats nectar, has a fuzzy body and double wings.

    If you know what it is, shout out.

    It’s some type of clearwing, possibly one of the hummingbird clearwings. Check out and search on clearwing and you will probably find a close match somewhere in there.

    Great lead Elsinore. It is indeed a clearwing. Found it right away on It is a Scarlet-bodied Wasp Moth (Cosmosoma myrodora). Since it is a moth, you’ll be seeing it again when the contest goes live.


    What do you think folks? Butterflyish enough? Haven’t a clue what it is, but it eats nectar, has a fuzzy body and double wings.

    If you know what it is, shout out.


    yup turtles are good. As are dinosaurs (big bonus for pics of live ones!), etc.

    Hey, I thought the experts decided that dinos were just big scary birds without feathers. Don’t sound much like reptiles to me. 😉


    Congrats to redwoodcruzr this week!

    Thanks, Elsinore. Just goes to show it’s better to be lucky than good.

    I was personally quite surprised how well that shot did. I struggled with the DOF and wound up running out of time.

    Oh well, I guess I should just enjoy my time in the zone, because I’ve got squat for this weeks theme.



    This is proper Bhakti.

    (saunters off, chanting the Hare Swingline mantra)

    Ommm, Kerchunk Kerchunk


    Not to offend anyone but we seem to have gotten a lot of not so technically great shots of some really cool collections this week.

    Oh well I guess that’s farktography!

    I agree. I found it difficult to frame a technically good shot of a bunch of stuff. I did this one and discarded it because I got the utility pole late and used that instead. As I was saying goodnight to the kids Tuesday night I noticed all of the creations they had made. As you can see, I was unable to get a pleasing photo (for anybody except me and the Mrs. and maybe the grandparents).

    And an excellent shot of the utility pole it was. Frankly, my favorite of the whole contest.


    Thanks for the kind words, guys. That super double plus+ secret awards ceremony sounds interesting. But, I’d settle for a seat at the big peoples table at the next Farksgiving feast. 😉


    Ok, I gotta ask. Would it be completely bad form to do a little endzone dance considering U-Man’s difficulties? It’s just that I’m stoked about my first ever first place. (BTW, I did get to vote on U’s pics before they went bye-bye. I especially liked “Blue Neon with a Twist”.)


    Not sure how I missed this one. Add me to the list, too.


    I had a similar thought to orionid, but using a different subject.

    I vote yes for allowing post processing double exposure for those contests where HDR is allowed. The line between processing for a double exposure versus processing for dynamic range seems pretty gray to me.

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